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What's the difference between organic, paid and post reach?

What's the difference between organic, paid and post reach?
Post reach is the number of people who had any posts from your Page enter their screen.
Organic reach is the number of people who had an unpaid post from your Page enter their screen, and paid reach is the number of people who had a paid post from your Page enter their screen.
If your post reaches someone through both paid and organic distribution, they're counted toward each. Keep in mind that the sum of organic and paid reach won't always equal post reach. For example, if one person sees your post through both organic and paid distribution, they'll be counted as 1 in organic reach, 1 in paid reach, and 1 in post reach.
Why has my Page's organic reach dropped?
Facebook has updated organic reach so that it's measured similarly to paid reach. The new definition counts organic reach when an unpaid post enters a person's screen. Previously, organic reach was counted when a person had an unpaid post placed into their News Feed, whether it entered the screen or not.
This update doesn't change how your posts are delivered or who sees and engages with your post (through likes, comments and shares). While this update may result in lower organic reach for your Page, it also lets you more accurately compare paid and organic posts.
Where can I find organic reach for my Page using the previous measurement?
To find organic reach for your Page using the previous measurement:
  1. Click Insights at the top of your Page.
  2. Click Export Data in the top right.
  3. Below Data Type, select Page data and below Layout, select Edit All Page Data.
  4. Type “served” into the search bar at the top and select whether you'd like daily, weekly or 28 days of served organic reach of Page posts.
  5. Once you've made your selection, scroll to the bottom of the column on the right, click the box that says Served Organic Reach of Page Posts and drag it to the top of the column, below Key Metrics. Do this for each type of Served Organic Reach of Page Posts that you've selected. This will prevent any errors from occurring.
  6. Click Apply and then click Export Data.
  7. Open the document that downloads to your computer and search for Served Organic Reach of Page Posts (this is the term for the previous measurement of organic reach).
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